About Me

Hi I am Rob.

I live in Melbourne, Australia with my wife Jess and daughter Anna.

I will hopefully have a real mix of content here, I want a new place where I can list out what I have been working on in the past 8 years at Cosmetics Now, sort of like a resume/linkedin but with more of a story/ explanation of each thing. I read/ listen to a lot of technical/ tech industry content but rarely put together any of my own thoughts on it in written form which I think would be a good shift from consumer to producer. In recent times I am more interested in the bootstrapping model, mainly in terms of SASS and what people are doing in that space. Cosmetics Now is essentially bootstrapped, not in any intentional ethos following way but perhaps it is something to consider being more deliberate about how it is ran.

I also want to do some writing on the everyday life happenings, not so much because I think this will be interesting to other people but as a way of collecting my thoughts from the time and remembering what we have done.